Dawn Dickson Makes Top Ten List

Dawn Dickson, Atlanta PR pro/event planner and confirmed woman, has released (read: Tweeted, in installments) a Top Ten list of obvious pertinence to this blog:

Recent observations of female behavior has inspired me to come up with the "Top Ten Ways to Lose Your Man" here goes..(stating the obvious)

10. Pointing out his flaws/trying to change him: he is who he was the day u met him. Take it or leave it.

9. Talking too much (across the board): shut up sometimes and keep people out of your business! Exercise privacy

8. Comparing him to another man or your ex: he does NOT want to hear that shit

7. Gaining weight/fallin off/losing your "sexy" that got him: if he wanted a fat/homely chick he would have got one in the first place

6. Not cooking for him/cleaning the house: feed your damn man and wash/fold/iron his clothes. You be the woman, let him be the man

5. Not giving him space/nagging: If the man wants to play video games or watch sports all day leave him the hell alone!

4. Being too needy: Have a life/friends/hobbies/plans/money and IDENTITY of your own

3.Going thru his shit: phone/email/drawers/tryin to set him up with fake emails etc. You have no right to invade his privacy ever!

2. Using sex as leverage: NOT having sex with him is not a way to win a dispute or prove a point but it can surely push him to cheat

And the #1 way to lose your man..Not giving him HEAD on DEMAND (H.O.D.). Its important to your man! Learn to do it well and love doin it

If you're on point with #1 he may be able to overlook some of your indiscretions on #2-#10 lol

I don’t imply by posting Dawn’s remarks here that I agree with all of them. I don’t. In particular, #7 is simply misinformed. If your S.O. has to stay anorexic-thin to be sexy, that’s too bad; mine doesn’t.

However, it is commendable that someone out there sees no contradiction in pursuing a career in marketing and in addressing the erotic in her personal writings. I was never comfortable with the dehumanization of the gray flannel suit, and the accompanying axiom that desexualization makes good business. Dawn gets additional style points in my book for taking this rhetorical bull by the horns in the deep South. I did my MBA at Emory, so I can state with some assurance that Atlanta isn’t the American Third World the way, e.g., northern Florida is. But for Dawn to lay herself on the line in this manner knowing that her local business environment can be deleterious to young women who have their own thoughts on such subjects and don’t confine themselves to the usual (two) litanies in common use is still noteworthy. I expect, BTW, that the local business environment ought to be more scared of Dawn than she ought to be of them.

If you care to follow Dawn on Twitter, her ID is @THEDawnDickson. Her URL is www.DawnDickson.com.