Love is Revolutionary

This is going to be a fairly short and sweet thought, but it occurred to me today that the most revolutionary act is to love, especially in a capitalistic society. People who want to sell you something always want you to hate something: how you look, how you smell, how you think, how you talk and so forth. If you hate, then you are looking for a solution and they are all too happy to sell you one. But if you love, then you feel satisfaction and contentment. If you love you understand the world around you. If you love then all you need is more love.

Love is revolutionary. So today I will fight the good fight by remember who I love and who I am and who I can be.

For the erotic is not a question only of what we do; it is a question of how acutely and fully we can feel in the doing. Once we know the extenty to which we are capable of feeling that sense of satisfaction and completion, we can observe which of our various life endeavors bring us closest to that fullness.--Audre Lorde, Uses of the Erotic, Sister Outsider

I wonder what kind of world it might become if we simply learned how to love.